- "短语动词,像get up, catch up with 等都 是很有用的。" "Phrasal verb, such as get up, catch up with, etc. Is most useful . "
- Catch块中的错误筛选 Error Filtering in the Catch Block
- 哼,your cat本想catch me. Now I want to catch your cat.
- 如果Try块中发生错误,程序控制权将传递给相应的Catch语句以进行部署。 If an error occurs in the Try block, program control is passed to the appropriate Catch statement for disposition.
- 在END TRY和BEGIN CATCH语句之间放置任何其他语句都将生成语法错误。 Including any other statements between the END TRY and BEGIN CATCH statements generates a syntax error.
- 在嵌套CATCH块中,ERROR_STATE返回引用它的CATCH块范围特有的错误状态。 In nested CATCH blocks, ERROR_STATE returns the error state specific to the scope of the CATCH block in which it is referenced.
- 如果ERROR_STATE在外部CATCH块中运行,它将返回调用该CATCH块的错误状态。 If ERROR_STATE is run in the outer CATCH block, it returns the state from the error that invoked that CATCH block.
- 如何:在Catch块中使用特定异常 How to: Use Specific Exceptions in a Catch Block
- 应考虑使用局部catch块清理内存 Consider using a local catch block to clean up memory
- 可以在表达式中使用此错误代码属性,仅选择要在Catch子句中处理的特定错误。 You can use the error code property in the expression to select only the particular error you want to handle in that Catch clause.
- PRINT不会将控制传输到CATCH块。 PRINT does not transfer control to a CATCH block.
- active catch (阀门分配机构的) 活动挡
- passive catch (阀门分配机构) 不活动挡
- 无法通过try-catch块捕获引发的。 Cannot be caught by a try-catch block.
- “Catch cold”(伤风,感冒)是习惯用语。 "Catch cold" is an idiomatic expression.
- 导致执行从TRY块跳到关联的CATCH块。 Cause execution to jump from a TRY block to the associated CATCH block.
- 每一个try至少要有一个与之对应的catch。 Each try must have at least one corresponding catch block.
- catch块可以捕获JScript程序引发的异常。 A catch block can catch exceptions thrown by a JScript program.
- 在异常的catch子句中声明的局部变量的名称。 The name of the local variable declared in the catch clause for the exception.
- 生成一个可由try.catch语句处理的错误条件。 Generates an error condition that can be handled by a try. Catch statement.